
  • Elensi E. Asuquo Department of Public Administration Faculty of Management Sciences AkwaIbom State University Author
  • Ekan D. Akpan Department of Public Administration Faculty of Management Sciences AkwaIbom State University Author
  • Denis D. Ntuen Department of Business Administration Faculty of Management Sciences University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria Author



Poverty, Government, Economic and Development, Policies


Over the time, successive governments in Nigerian formulated several economic development policies to enhance the livelihood of her citizens, but unfortunately, the economic benefit appears significantly low. This study seeks to assess the impact of government policies on sustainable economic development specifically on poverty alleviation initiatives in the country. The research adopted a qualitative method with a combination of exploratory, descriptive and contextual approaches to analyze its data which mostly was obtained from existing secondary sources. Public choice theory was adopted as a theoretical framework to guide the study. Findings of the study revealed that the Nigerian government has formulated various policies but with faulty implementation processes. However, it was recommended among others that; Government policies on poverty alleviation should be adequately funded for sustainable economic development of Nigeria .Government should also design appropriate programme involving the beneficiaries in the formulation and the implementation stages of any programme.

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Author Biography

  • Denis D. Ntuen, Department of Business Administration Faculty of Management Sciences University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria


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How to Cite

Asuquo, E. E., Akpan, E. D., & Ntuen, D. D. (2024). ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABLE POVERTY ALLEVIATION POLICIESIN NIGERIA. AKSU Annals of Sustainable Development, 2(1), 129-138.

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