
  • Helen Ehi Eweka Department of Social Work, Faculty of Social Sciences University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria Author
  • Osamuyi Aghasomwan Bello Department of Social Work, Faculty of Social Sciences University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria Author
  • Isoken Linda Osunde Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria Author



Academic performance, cognitive functioning, depression, suicidal thoughts, mental health


This paper examined the relationship between depression and suicidal thought as it affects students’ academic performance. The paper also tried to shed light on the intricate connections between psychological well-being and students’ academic achievement, given the rising frequency of mental health concerns among students. The paper conducted a thorough literature review to determine the frequency of depression and suicidal thoughts among students, as well as to pinpoint risk factors and possible causes. Also, drawing on empirical studies, the paper explored the complex ways that mental health issues affect several facets of academic performance, such as attendance, focus, motivation, and general cognitive functioning. Furthermore, the paper drew attention to the vicious cycle that frequently results when mental health problems are exacerbated by academic difficulties, a pattern that further impedes students’ academic performance. The paper additionally examined how institutions and the larger educational setting affect these mental health issues, either by alleviating them or making them worse. The paper concludes by highlighting the critical necessity of a comprehensive strategy that includes preventative measures, easily available mental health services, and destigmatization initiatives in order to address students' mental health. In order to provide a friendly and favourable learning environment for students, educators, legislators, and mental health experts must jointly recognize and address the intricate relationships that exist between depression, suicidal thoughts, and students’ academic performance.

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