Inmate, Reformation, Educational Programmes, Utilisation, Nigerian Correctional InstitutionAbstract
The study ascertains the academic programmes and vocational training programmes in the custodial centres for reformation of the inmates of Nigerian Correctional Service. The study was guided by the assumptions of the Human Capital Theory developed by Gary Becker in 1964. The study adopted an exploratory survey research design. The Nigerian Correctional Service, Akwa Ibom State Command comprises the Medium Security Custodial Centre, Uyo, the Medium Security Custodial Centre, Ikot Ekpene, the Medium Security Custodial Centre, Eket and the Medium Security Custodial Centre, Ikot Abasi. The population comprises convicted inmates and personnel of the Nigerian Correctional Service in Akwa Ibom State Command. A total of 49 respondents were selected using a multi-stage sampling technique. The instruments for collection of data were the Focus Group Discussion and Key Informant Interviews. The qualitative data were analysed using thematic analysis method while the socio-demographic data were presented using frequency tables and simple percentages. The findings showed that academic and vocational training programmes were needed by inmates across the custodial centres but they were constrained by lack of facilities, equipment and lack of resource persons. The study recommended among others that the management of correctional centres should give adequate attention to implementing academic and vocational training programmes for inmates so that the rate of recidivism could be reduced.
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