Inter-Communal Boundary Disputes And Sustainable Rural Development In Nigeria: A Perspective Of Okop And Ngwa Akannu Communities


  • Peter George UmoUdoh Department of Religious & Cultural Studies Akwa Ibom State University Author
  • C. Izeoma Chinda Department of History and International Diplomacy,  Faculty of Humanities, Rivers State University, Nkpolu-Oroworukwo, Port Harcourt. Author



Several rural communities in Nigeria have experienced incessant cases of inter-communal conflicts which the destroy lives and properties, and threatens sustainable development programmes. This research was conducted in Okop community in Obot Akara Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State to examine the extent of development in the aftermath of its inter-boundary and land disputes with Ngwa Akannu in Abia State. Descriptive research survey design with both qualitative approach involving Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and key informant interviews and the quantitative approach involving the use of questionnaire for data collection were adopted for the study. The interviews which were conducted using English Language and interpreted in Annang dialect was recorded using a phone, side by side with note taking and transcribed verbatim and stored in a separate file bearing the dates interviews were conducted, places and research questions, that the interviews were addressing. A total of 13 indigenes across six (6) families that make up Okop community were interviewed and data collected from them and used for this research. Findings of this study reveal that no development thrives in the atmosphere of intense communal disputes, such as Okop community. The study therefore recommends the involvement of all stakeholders from warring communities, governments at all levels, etc to put necessary conflict resolution mechanism to forestall future occurrence of inter-communal conflicts in Okop and Nigeria at large.

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How to Cite

UmoUdoh, P. G., & Chinda, C. I. (2025). Inter-Communal Boundary Disputes And Sustainable Rural Development In Nigeria: A Perspective Of Okop And Ngwa Akannu Communities. AKSU Annals of Sustainable Development, 1(1), 133-143.