mineralization, Underground water, Hydrocarbon, LineamentsAbstract
The Bouguer anomaly map of the southeastern part of the Niger Delta region of Nigeria exhibits important anomalies that are often identified by high gradients resulting from density contrasts between various anomaly sources. This reveals an important tectonic activity in the area. The northeastern part of the area is characterized by lack of water resources, except within lineaments. The sources of water within this area are enhanced secondary porosity releasable from faults, fractures and voids. Two complimentary approaches involving Euler deconvolution and tilt angle derivatives were employed in mapping out lineament over the entire study area. Results from the data analysis reveal several lineaments networks, trending in various directions of NE-SW, NW-SE, ENE-WSW, NNE-SSW and N-S. Altogether, 82 major lineaments were mapped using the 3D Euler depth solution technique and 58 from
the tilt angle derivative technique. Total length of lineaments from 3D Euler deconvolution and tilt angle derivative within the study area are 225.8 km and 113.4 km respectively. These lineaments are of paramount importance with great potential impacts on hydrocarbon reservoirs and water flow in the area. Hence, these lineaments are recommended for further investigation as pathway for water and mineral resources.
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