
  • Ekaette R. Udoh Department of Sociology and Anthropology Akwa Ibom State University, Obio Akpa Campus P.M.B. 1167, Uyo Author
  • Anne Ekerette Ekanem Department of Sociology and Anthropology Akwa Ibom State University, Obio Akpa Campus P.M.B. 1167, Uyo Author




Gender Inequality, Girl- Child, Education, Akwa Ibom North-West Senatorial District


Education empowers global citizens for sustainable development to transform societal visions into reality. Unfortunately, the high level of gender disparity of women education in Akwa Ibom North-West Senatorial District in primary and secondary schools is worrisome. This study examined the effects of gender inequality on women education and early marriage on the girl-child education in Akwa Ibom North-West Senatorial District. Radical and Liberal Feminist schools of thought on gender inequality and women education was adopted and used as theoretical perspectives for the study. Descriptive survey method was adopted in gathering data from primary and secondary sources. The findings revealed that early marriage has a great effect on the education of the girl-child in Akwa Ibom North-West Senatorial District. The study recommends that the girl-child education’s sensitization should be intensified and Akwa Ibom State Government should assist parents who are low income earners through skill acquisition empowerment courses to augment their current means of income.

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How to Cite

Udoh, E. R., & Ekanem, A. E. (2024). EFFECTS OF GENDER INEQUALITY ON GIRL-CHILD EDUCATION IN AKWA IBOM NORTH-WEST SENATORIAL DISTRICT. AKSU Annals of Sustainable Development, 1(2), 59-67. https://doi.org/10.60787/AASD-v1i2-22

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