Indigenous methods, Climate change, Cassava farmersAbstract
The study assessed the level of adoption of indigenous methods of climate change among cassava farmers in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Primary data were collected with the aid of a structured questionnaire and responses recorded during focus group discussion session. A Sample size of 180 farmers was randomly selected for the study. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics. Findings revealed that reveals that 53.3% of the respondents were male while 46.7% were female. A large proportion (59.4%) of the respondents was within the age range of 40 -50 years. The mean age for the farmers in the study area was 40 years. With regards to education, a great proportion 98.9% of the respondents had acquired formal education. With regards to adoption level, seventeen (17) sampled strategies were presented out of which twelve (12) strategies were highly utilized based on their level of preference. These include mulching(x̄= 3.90), organic manure (x̄= 3.83), mixed cropping (x̄= 3.83), cover crops(x̄= 3.82 ),cultivation of early maturing varieties(x̄= 3.80),tillage systems (x̄= 3.77), improved varieties(x̄= 3.71), relay cropping (x̄= 3.68), total dependence on rainfall(x̄= 3.65), early planting (x̄= 3.30),cultivation of pests and diseases resistant varieties (x̄= 3.28 ) and intercropping (x̄= 3.13). Hypothesis test using T-test and composite index reveals there was difference in mean that was statistically significant at 5.0% level of probability. Study recommended that indigenous methods of climate change should be included in the curriculum of agricultural science and undergraduates studies.
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